- Machines -

'In the box'
The modern definition of machines has changed from what it used to be. It used to be simply any device that uses some energy to perform some kind of work or activity.
What are machines?
In the common usage of the word 'machines', it would be to mean any mechanism or device that has rigid moving parts that perform, or assist in performing some work. This definition is typically restricted to devices and mechanisms of this type within the frame of common usage.
In days gone by, a mechanism was required to have physical moving parts to be classed as a machine. But since dawn of the electronic age, technology has progressed to the development of devices with no moving parts that are firmly considered machines, the most common and obvious example being the computer.
A typical example:
An Engine is a mechanism that uses heat or other similar type of energy to produce mechanical energy. The Internal Combustion (IC) engine as an example uses the expansion of gas caused by heat from an exothermic chemical reaction (basically an explosion).
A simple machine is a device that transforms the direction or magnitude of a force without consuming any energy.
Simple machines normally have some kind of energy source (called the "input") and always perform or assist in doing some type of work (called the "output"). Single piece devices without any parts, moving or not are generally just considered tools, or at best simple devices.
- BTW -
The modern day word was taken from the Latin word 'machina'. For instance, Machina Electrica (Latin for electricity generator).
The scientific definition is any device that transmits or modifies particles! Hmmm, yes I'll leave that one for now . . if that's ok with you.
- BTW -
What to do? (I thought!)
So I came up with the 'In the box' pages. There's just three of them in all and this one is the first and most foremost.
The other two would be the Information 'In the box' and the Systems 'In the box' pages.
I’m gathering loads of related stuff to talk about here, stuff that doesn't quite fit into the theme of the other main menu pages.
This is where all the aspects of machines topics will be if it’s a bit off the beaten track, but still on the right side of things. Automation, programming, electrical wiring and electronics stuff are large enough for their own 'menu' pages so I'll leave them out of this area.
I’ll be gathering more interesting stuff for the Information in the box and System in the box pages in the near future, so watch this space. Of course that's not a problem if you've got the RSS thing sorted.
You haven't!!
You better have a look here then! (Opens a new window).
Right where was I, ah yes, these 'in the box' pages are covering loads of things related to these three main themes, 'Machines' - 'Information' and 'Systems'. Littered with text links throughout the page(s) to build a focal point for the articles.
Once you have the production chugging along nicely it's time to have a little look-see into other areas and find out what else you can do to optimize your operation for production.
For instance, automated machine shop information reporting system, reporting on all the settings used on varying jobs through the week. In doing so, building a valuable reference for future use, from quoting to producing and delivering orders through on time.
Also automated lubrication systems, to keep your equipment at peak operating efficiency without relying on someone's memory.
Both of these systems above can improve the production, efficiency and reliability for processing your all important workload. And warrant at least a mention on a site such as this, if not more!
Have you thought about secondary machine operations? Such as a stacker or wrapper on the end of your production line. Or building some simple machine projects with PC based machine control.
Ah yes and of course sensors?, all Did you miss the page on sensors, just one button up on the menu. Almost everything uses sensors in this day and age, as well as other input devices. Like for instance, industrial keyboards.
Even waterproof keyboards there’s no telling where a management information system could be found or installed for that matter. So it’s my mission to cover as many of the application and situations I can think of.
Ah yes you could help me there couldn’t you?
“Howzat!” says you! You could let me know if there’s something specific you would like to see an article or page on, no mind as to whichever 'In the box' section it fits under.
Either this bit, information or systems headings. Go on, you can do that for me surely. Click here to send me off in your direction, I may even dedicate the article to you (if you contribute to my beer fund ha ha, only joking).
There's a matrix control application that we'll dissect and get right into. Not just background stuff but full and tested circuit diagrams that you can build. With PCB art for the accompanying circuit board.
Matrix control is also referred to as a Multiplexing control system, that lends itself well to be used for intelligent signs and displays type application, but also much more.
A Matrix or Multiplexed controlled display is quite daunting task on its own you know! It involves specialist programming, electrical wiring and some electronics. But don't worry, I have a tried and tested system I'll share with you, including sample programming and circuit diagrams.
Liquid filling control systems are quite well suited to a matrix control system. And would lend themselves very nicely to a machine information system being built in, at design time.
Do you think that's e‘nuff to be going with for now?
NO!! . . . . OK a bit more then.
In this energy conserving world we humans are creating (to make a better world for us), more and more people are getting curious about and becoming interested in FREE ENERGY.
By FREE ENERGY, I'm talking about sources of energy, which on the face of it, are FREE to use. As in you do not have to pay for! FREE is a very powerful word, especially when combined with something we need and generally have to pay for. More on this later, but bear that in mind.
Obvious sources of free energy are sunlight, wind, wave and tidal power.
Less obvious sources of free energy are rainfall, gravity, atmospheric and ionospheric electrical charge. Last but not least, a massive, almost unknown energy field sometimes called the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) field”.
Let me just throw this out there about FREE ENERGY. Because the energy arrives free of charge, such as sunlight on solar cells, this does not mean that it actually costs nothing to collect.
To get this FREE ENERGY you have to pay for the solar cells to begin with, (capital expenditure). Many solar cells that produce a useful amount of free energy are not cheap. This said, once you have bought the solar cells/panels, they will produce free electricity for many years.
You tell me... is the energy free? Well, I think it qualifies!
More information on this can be found at FREE ENERGY INFO
The information on this site is free and will remain so, but you can make a donation if you would like to help keep the information flowing. I would be very pleased and grateful if you did, it's completely secure and easy and NO information is collected from this process at all, guaranteed! just click the donations button blow.
Keep your RSS eyes open for more bits 'n' pieces being added to all
the 'In the box' pages soon.
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