- Information -

'In the box'
In this present day and age in the reign of the computer,
Information is the key to efficiency.
Virtually every kind of production and manufacturing carried out with machines can improve efficiency from operational information.
Hi there again, welcome to the second ‘
In the box’ page,
Information ‘
In the box’ page.
It’s along similar lines to the Machine ‘In the box' page. But of course, like the name says it’s all about guess what . . .
Yep, you got it, the info' related stuff.
As I said, there's going to be just three of 'em, the Machine ‘In the box page was the first. This one is the second, so just one more to go, the Systems ‘In the box’, to complete the little mini series.
This is where all the aspects of machine shop information will be if it’s a bit off the trodden path a bit, but still on the right side of things to be here.
I’ll be getting 'round to the System in the box page as soon as poss’ in the near future, so, as always watch this space. Now there was something else I was going to add here . . . Ah yes! P>
OK, I’m not going to mention the RSS thing, ‘cos I trust you have got it covered now. (But just in case you haven’t you could have a look here!) Opps, I mentioned it!!! :-)
I suppose first and foremost here I should mention the
definition of management information system! Just in case you haven’t looked at it already!
One of the key points of a MIS or any computer based information system is of course the data that’s collected by the system.
As I mentioned on the Machine ‘In the box’ page, my mission here is to cover all the areas of data application for the info' side of things I can think of.
You can have a part in this if you like, you can let me know via the ‘In the box’ submissions form any ‘In the box’ subject for review or follow up article that you would like to see specifically covered.
So come on get your brain box in gear and think up some stuff to challenge me if you dare, in the mean time I’ll get to work on all the bits and pieces I have on my list of articles already.
Some of the topics on my list are manufacturing inventory control software, new technology and how it affects data reporting, human-computer interaction, business reports with computer based data/information system reports.
I like to have a little nose into the accuracy of the office database process that’s generally in use and how easy it is the integrate new and the old systems seamlessly together.
Keep your RSS eyes open for more bits 'n' pieces being added to all
the 'In the box' pages soon.
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