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So what type of management system can be of benefit to employees?
An employee benefit system can be a normally occurring function of machine or management information systems in several ways, let's have a look at them shall we!
Increasing efficiency and reducing waste through improving business and production processes, will aid organization and control of plant maintenance. This in turn will also reduced costs by increasing the quality of the production process, these are improvements that can pinpointed by machine information systems. How?
Machine information systems normal method of operation is to gather real time information about what's going on with machines on the workshop floor. This gathered data builds a historical reference of normal machine operation.
We can then use this reference in two ways.
First of all, we can use it to monitor machine production to prove any machine improvements made, do in fact improve production. If not, another tack can be tried.
This allows changes to be trialled in all aspects of the machines processes to fully optimize its operation. This way we can be sure to get the best physical performance out of any machine in question.
Secondly, this reference of normal machine operation is in fact just that, so we can also use it to flag up changes in the production information. This could indicate faults or otherwise problems with the machine due to for instance, rising waste data would point towards a failing in one of more production operation.
Having been alerted to a problem (or problems) before it get to the point of stopping the machine entirely by failure, corrective action can be taken. This early warning system can save machine down time by identifying problems before component failure occurs possibly causing more damage.
An employee benefit system is made up of several integrated benefit systems, that all together, improve the employees working environment. This in turn can also improve the chances of earning a bonus and/or pay rise through increase productivity.
There are small direct benefits to employees from using a machine/management information systems. For instance, ease of filling the days production, making sure your hard work is not carrying a not so enthusiastic work mate.
More to the point, making sure your hard work is not going unnoticed.
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