- BTW -

Just in case you were wondering what the '- BTW -' symbols are all about? You've probably seen these quotes around this website and maybe wondering what it means. The information sandwiched within the quote lines are snippets of addition info'. These little information sandwiches contain additional facts and relevant references about the subject matter on this website. More noteably about the page you're on. Machines facts, information and systems facts, depending on the page subject, which I feel should be mentioned. The quotes will contain new items of just for you information, they will appearing more and more on pages throughout this site for your benefit and completeness of the subject in reference on page. I am sure you will find these useful little fact sandwiches filling, filling in the gaps that is. Oh yes opps nearly forgot, the abbreviation B.T.W. stands for By The Way. But I'm sure a clever person like yourself had already worked that out! - BTW - This site is powered by Solo Build It. You can build a website without any HTML knowledge! - BTW - Perhaps you would like to find out more about Solo Build It. Return from - BTW - page to Home page. Close Window
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